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Selasa, 01 September 2015

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 All Edition Keys (ISO + Web Installer)

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
"Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 is an integrated, end-to-end solution for teams of any size with demanding quality and scale needs that require comprehensive tools and services for defining, building and managing complex enterprise applications and solutions targeting Microsoft’s full Enterprise platform as well as cross-platform technologies."

- Tools and services for projects of any size or complexity.
- C#, Visual Basic, C++, Python, Node.js and HTML/JavaScript.
- Sprint planning.
- Advanced debugging, profiling, automated and manual testing.
- DevOps with automated deployments and continuous monitoring.

What’s New
- UI Debugging Tools for XAML.
- Single Sign-In.
- CodeLens.
- Code Maps.
- Diagnostics Tools.
- Exception Settings.
- JavaScript Editor.
- Unit Tests.
- Visual Studio Emulator for Android.
- Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova.
- Visual Studio C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development.
- Visual C++.

How To Activate ?
1. Download and Install Visual Studio 2015 From The links Given Below (Any Edition).
2. Run the installed visual studio 2015.
3. Click the help button from toolbar and go to register product option.
4. Click the change my product licence.
5. Downlod and Open The Serial Key File of Your Edition From The Links Given Below.
6. Copy/Paste The Key in Visual Studio.
7. You have full access to your Microsoft visual studio 2015 (Any Edition).
8. Enjoy :).

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015

- Visual Studio 2015 Professional: Web Installer  |  ISO Image (Offline Installer)
- Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise: Web Installer  |  ISO Image (Offline Installer)
- Visual Studio 2015 Pro Serial Key: Mirror 1  |  Mirror 2  |  Mirrors 3
- Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Serial Key: Mirror 1  |   Mirror 2  |  Mirrors 3
- Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Crack: Mirror 1  |   Mirror 2  |  Mirrors 3

Sumber by:
- OnHax

Bila ingin copas silahkan cantumkan link berikut.
Source :

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